Category: Chaos
yet another siren
I always seem to fall for the wrong people
And the beer I had for breakfast was a pint of Jim Beam, a fifth of peach schnapps, and some […]
I fall asleep smoking
so I wake up on fire cause that may get me out of bed for awhile
My eyes are melting
something’s not quite right with how I see things, I don’t see the positives in my day to day existing […]
this world has taken all my money and now there’s nothing left
I try to sleep it off but I hate waking up to a nightmare each day
Sadrabbit Speakeasy II
Because some things just won’t die even if they should.
Bringing Bipolar Back – hello world, again.
it’s been some time since I posted anything. I need a place to vent and show off my shitty art […]
existence is confusing
I dwell on how much I need to move on from you, but every thought makes me weak at the […]
fucking NPC
am I wasting my current reality trying to figure out if it’s the real reality? or is this how my […]
Be present Be a peasant Yet aiming to become a king of something knew it’d be unpleasant I question the […]
all you’ll ever be is someone else
who am I even? I wish I could see myself from the perspective of others. I don’t know who I […]
Pills! Pills! Pills!
Do I even remember who I am anymore? I’ve been on and off so many of these things I think […]