And i just hit earth. I’m going to carve a trail where I landed and skid across the surface, annihilating anything in my way and leaving a path for any to use.
I’m done guessing my way through each day. I’m done living my life for other people, and I think it’s time I established some goals of my own. I spent my life either bending over for someone else or stuck in a bottle. Now I’m free and I want to take over the world – in a good way.
The rest of our lives – it’s an idea that sits in front of us without end. Consistently taunting us with dreams of riches and love and sadness and death. There’s always tomorrow, and it will be yesterday before you know it.
I’m frantically looking for purpose. I need to chase unattainable dreams and set unrealistic expectations for myself to stay entertained. I can’t keep waking up each day playing with a full deck of wildcards. The Game just gets confusing and the point of it is lost.
I hate structure but need to solidify my internal systems. I need to hold on to something, an idea. I can’t live for someone else, or something impermanent. I demand something absolute to follow.