I said in my first post I would find things to add to my bucketlist to keep me alive, so here it is:

  • Skydiving, non-tandem the first time
  • Publish a philosophical novel on Loop Theory
  • Eat a vegetable besides a potato
  • Avoid heroin (doctors said it would kill you before you ever got high anyway)
  • Participate in an art festival and feel good about it
  • Read every theory written and still decide on existentialism
  • Make and manage a website for porn films (or three)
  • Be in another porn film, and get a copy this time
  • Publish some poetry somehow, even though mine sucks
  • Find a Durian froot, I hear they’re terrible and I need to know for myself
  • Design a video game with my cousin
  • Break 150mph in my car