(this was blocked on reddit for speaking about religion, so I’ll dump what I have to say here).


I’ll use Christianity for the example because if I said the word Muslim it wouldn’t be so unpopular, and Christianity is still statistically the largest religion in the world.

With the expansion of religion – change happens. I’m talking all expansion, from The crusaders decimating non-believers back in the old days, to current day college kids running over to Africa to give kids water. The impressions and possibly forced concepts thrown around in foreign nations alter the very structure that that nation was built on.

We go out to build churches and “free” these people from their own horrible lives, and in the process we throw away their handmade clothing with symbols of their gods, the pottery with designs dating back to the communities origins, and hand them these shiny metal bowls other starving people made that big businesses profit off of and tell them to bow down before God Almighty to escape the Eternal Rapture they would have faced had we not intervened. We modernize them. We make them white.

Then, once we’ve established a “real” religion in an area, we can work on fixing everything else wrong to reaffirm what Christianity can do, like adding a pump for water to show that god loves them and thinks about them. It’s too bad their old god couldn’t do that for them.

Once we all become Christian, we can hold hands in a circle and spend world peace serving our lord and savior, who protected us and did all the work because he loves us.