They say it’s eat or be eaten in this world, but that’ll bullshit. We have this word called harmony and we only seem to get it right when it involves music.
Coexisting is possible, just watch some nature films. Food chains exist side by side, not every species is directly involved in a grander chain of life with humans and lions at the top and bugs and plants at the bottom.
Humans on the other hand are directly involved with every single specimen of life we’ve come into contact with. We have upset a balance with innovation and pollution, and an inherent need to control everything, and that’s what I’m ranting about to myself this morning.
Obviously any living creature needs to… live. We have to be a part of the food chains. This means plants and animals will die. Humans are omnivores, and that’s a fact. Personal opinion does not change that. It’s natural instinct to feed and mate so the next generation can feed and mate, for some odd reason.
But humans, much like other animals, get annoyed at inconveniences. And eventually, inconveniences are overcome with time through adaptation. Humans have not only adapted, they’ve gained an awareness of their ability to adapt, and use it to explore the universe in unnatural ways. The reasoning for this can be a lust for power or joy, and that triggers irrational behavior in people. We upset the balances of our world and then try to rebalance it with pesticides and animal rehabilitation centers for endangered species.
Fast forward however long you think we’ve been here and you’ll see that billions of humans have been fucking up our planet literally every second of the day. It doesn’t take an education to know that humans are inherently destructive and nihilistic beings. It’s always for the satisfaction of the self at the top, and family second. Then it’s close aquaintences and everyone else can get fucked. Establishing relationships outside of family is unnatural. We are designed to fuck and move on. We only rely on others because it benefits the self.
Except we don’t.
Humans are entirely sustainable on their own. A person does not require another person to breathe, eat, or find shelter. Humans do not require consent to reproduce, and that’s reflective in much of the animal kingdom (preying mantis sex is great). We can survive as a species in our own bubble as long as we can cross over into others. Sure, we have others to make things easier, but it’s not a necessity for survival of our species.
So why talk to anyone if you can grow your own food and find your own water and shelter?
Can you quantify mental health?
it’s binary
yes or no
are you happy?