Here we are again, back with another website.
I failed myself with Sadrabbit Solutions. I scrapped the website and the book in a manic episode, losing mountains of writing and art in the process. My purpose wasn’t defined, and the balance between chaos and inspiration crumbled as my writing and art lost sanity. I drove myself insane with my own thoughts, and put myself in an unforgiveable loop that I can’t seem to explain to anyone. I needed a break but had already exposed myself to the world, and out of panic I wiped it all.
The Speakeasy will be my new soapbox to say all the things I can’t say in public, and a place to share my shitty art and photography. It’s a place for me to grow, and eventually I hope it can become a tool to help people with problems and concerns similar to mine.
I don’t know why I have to write on the internet. Maybe I got tired of filling notebooks with angry scribblings that I’ll never read, or maybe I just needed to document it better.
Maybe this will put me on track to rewriting my book.
~ Sadrabbit